
Digital learning is a growing market with different maturity according to segment. Food market (industries, Food chain, Food Education, Craft jobs education in general ) is just starting now to discover digital benefits and blended learning.

Their common points today:

• no internal skills to digitalize their contents and confused in front of large quantity of solutions (LMS, CMS, VR…) available on the EdTech market.
• High staff turnover in food jobs
• Keep same quality/standard in each companies/franchise

Their benefits:

• Schools: resources optimization (space, teachers); Pedagogical adaptation to millennials student and better manual/gesture acquisition
• Corporate training centers: Time saving for their customer (less or no travels to training center); resources optimization (space, teachers); Pedagogical adaptation to millennials customers
• Chains: faster integration of new staff; employer brand, Franchise attractiveness, easy access to Best practices
• Industrial (ingredients/equipment’s): faster integration of new staff; company brand awareness, marking tool to give new service to final user (applications, communication, database)

Our solution : We support these companies to implement digital and blended learning solutions

• LMS set up personalized,
• tailor made digital learning contents,
• Use of our online courses catalog licensing (60 courses about Bakery, Pastry, Viennoiserie, Sale Bakery food technics… )
• We train and support their staff to use digital learning solutions

Our company has an expertise in food and craft job digitalization, tools to implement in 48h a pilot and fast to put in place digital learning solutions. We have developed our proof of concept in Bakery and made the 1st Blended learning viennoisery courses in the world in September 2017 in Chili.

Our Customers :

• Schools : Compagnons du Devoir, Ecole Banette, Institut Paul Bocuse, Ecole de Boulangerie de Paris,
• Industrials : Limagrain, Lesaffre, Moulins Soufflet…
• Chains : Boulangerie Marie Blachère …
Baguette Academy Picture