
MonGrillon is a innovative pastry service baking unique protein pastries by using cricket flour.

Launching in January 2016, MonGrillon has built a BtoB catering service in Paris, delivering over 2500 cupcakes so far. After a successful proof of concept with a rapidly growing revenue, MonGrillon decided to develop a BtoC activity doing a crowdfunding campaign beginning June 2nd on kickstarter.

Co-founders Coline Rohart and Camille Torrente have a synergistic combination of skills. Coline has a business development background and entrepreneurial expertise, with a strong sport mindset since her father is an olympic medalist in Star boat. She was looking for a professional baker to develop the product and the R&D, Camille, who experienced the best French pastry savoir faire in La Maison du chocolat and Acid Macaron. Together they continue to efectively innovate, operate and market MonGrillon.
Mon Grillon Picture