
The Ethical Butcher is a startup specialised in the ethical meat industry.

Provenance of food is now a huge consideration for consumers. There is an increasing distrust of the industrial food supply chain and a trend amongst consumers to be more informed about the food quality. This trend has coincided with a loss of high street butchers and an increase in online shopping. This creates the perfect opportunity for The Ethical Butcher.

Food Ethics and sustainability are topics which are increasingly important to the British public. The Ethical Butcher demonstrates that eating meat can be both healthy for the public and the environment if animals are kept properly. The Ethical Butcher will campaign against factory farming in preference for Pasture For Life and holistically managed animals. The Ethical Butcher's meat is free from growth hormones and antibiotics.

The Ethical Butcher will support the Pasture-Fed Livestock Association's campaign to challenge DEFRA’s (Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs) rules for food labelling with respect of grass-fed meat. Meat in the UK can be labelled as grass-fed if only 51% of its diet has been grass. This results in a very different product from 100% pasture fed meat. Pasture-fed animals are healthier, the meat is better for us and the carbon footprint is significantly reduced.

The British public has become more invested in their fitness, health and nutrition. The Ethical Butcher's 100% pasture fed meats offer a nutritionally superior product to factory farmed meats. Pasture fed meat does not cause the equivalent inflammation in the human body as low quality, factory farmed produce. The Ethical Butcher’s meat is suitable for people on a Primal / Paleo / FODMAP/ Ketogenic / whole food or clean eating diet.
The Ethical Butcher Picture