
Processed food today contains many ingredients from a lot of individual supplies, often shipped across the globe. This makes tracing of contaminations complicated, and also lowers transparency on food ingredients. As one consequence, over 500 million cases of food-borne illnesses with over 350,000 death cases are reported every year. Furthermore, food contamination costs the society 75.5 billion dollars every year.

ClearKarma has developed a blockchain-backed solution that is capable to trace, validate and document any food any time everywhere thanks to the powerful capabilities of artificial intelligence and blockchain. ClearKarma’s systemic end-to-end smart food sourcing technology has the power to reform the food industry while preventing millions to suffer from food-borne illnesses.

ClearKarma was first created with the purpose to educate and empower consumers to make safer food choices. Our solution makes it easy to change your eating habits. This will also be supported by the ClearKarma community which is building and sharing knowledge about food safety and sustainability.
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