
All food companies are legally required to have in place a documented food safety policy.
Each year 1 in 6 people suffer food poisoning, due to the possibility of falsification, paper based food safety records offer little protection in cases of reported food safety breaches.
Of the 1.5m+ restaurants in the EU, 90% still use pen and paper.
Which is slow:
Chefs regulars spend up to 1 hour per day on food safety paperwork.
With an average wage of €16 per hour for chefs, EU restaurants spend
€31 million per day on food safety.
Through digitisation Food Safe System can reduce this figure by 1/2.

Difficult and messy to store:
By digitising records we make them instantly accessible, from anywhere, and removed stained, unhygienic paper files from kitchens.
Difficult to manage, particularly for multi unit companies:
Paper based systems require regular on site auditing, increasing time costs, and threats can go unreported and unnoticed for weeks.
Cloud access enables off-site monitoring and customisable alerts and alarms identify issues before they become problems. Cloud access also allows for off site auditing by external bodies, an element we know government is keen to introduce.
Open to falsification,
Checks can be completed after the fact, therefore paper records offer companies little or no protection if problems are reported:
Time stamped and assigned data inputs reduce the possibility of false records.

As an experienced chef and restaurateur I know first hand the problems faced and the environment in which it must operate.
Of our known competitors we have observed that each specialise in one aspect of the solution, wireless temperature monitoring, logging of food temperatures or filling in data forms, Food Safe System is the first to bring all aspects together in a user centric form.
Food Safe System is also the only product instantly usable on download of the App, competitors require proprietary hardware & engineer set up.
By building a user/chef focused product, based on government standards, we remove a key inhibitor faced by competing systems, we don’t change what chefs do, just how they do it.
Our aim is to create a sustainable restaurant and food service industry through the introduction of effective and usable tech solutions, beginning with food safety.
The explosion of food/restaurant tech has stoped at the kitchen door with focus mainly on customer facing solutions; CRM, customer engagement, POS, customer analytics.
Through the modernisation of the professional kitchen we can address issues such as increased regulations, food waste, staff shortages and rising costs.
Food Safe System Picture