
Every year in France, 70 kg of food per person and per year is thrown away at the time of consumption. Households, restaurants and retailers are all concerned. That is why we have put in place an innovative methodology and an incentive to reduce food waste. This methodology has taken the form of our Mummyz application which enables you to order the leftovers of your retailer, your baker or even your neighbour. The surplus of food is valued around our 3 golden rules: No anticipation, Maximum 6 portions and a Contribution between 1 € and 6 €. The good plans are geolocated and highlighted, then you just have to order in 1 click and recover your good plan thanks to a secret word in the language of those who live Alsace, Corsica, Breton or Quebec. This operation enables any individual to get money from its leftovers, and then spend its earnings to buy the leftovers of someone else.
Mummyz Picture