
GlutenTrip’s goal is to unite on a common platform people that are celiac, intolerant or allergic to gluten or lactose. It is a place for support, advice and ideas. Our goal is to create a website aimed to build a community where its members can exchange tips and experiences. Ultimately we want to help you make your gluten-free life pleasurable and tasty!

Anne-Sophie is the founder of the Gluten Trip GlutenTrip.

“As you can imagine, I am gluten intolerant! I was diagnosed as gluten intolerant and hypersensitive over six years ago at the George Pompidou Hospital in Paris. As a parisian, I found being gluten-free extremely limiting and demanding – no more fresh croissants and scrumptious baguettes! When traveling, I always had to carry with me gluten free bread and snacks, as I never knew when and where I could find appropriate options. Going to restaurants became a nightmare, as I had to ask multiple times about ingredients (and you can imagine how fun that was without speaking the local language!). On top of that I always felt like a burden to my friends and family, as with my intolerance I was limiting them as well as myself to only certain restaurants and hotels. As I became more knowledgable about the disease – mostly thanks to useful forums on Facebook – I understood that gluten-free did not have to be a limitation. Rather, it could become a way to open myself to new flavors and restaurants!

I created this platform to share my experiences, and I want you to share yours! Let’s collaborate to make gluten-free traveling easy and pleasurable!

So feel free to come along and share your best gluten-free trips!”

To reassure the most sensitive users, the GlutenTrip team is itself composed of people intolerant to gluten who follow a strict gluten diet. The objective is to enrich the platform as much as possible, in order to provide a wide choice of restaurants and hotels worldwide. Let’s make gluten-free life simply… easy.

Joining takes a minute! Just create your own profile with your picture (like Facebook) and some personal information ….or not (as you choose).

NOW it’s your turn to recommend some GREAT gluten free restaurants!
Gluten Trip Picture