Best reads and deals of the week

Here is our selection of articles from what we have read this week:

๐Ÿ’ฐ The best deals of the week:

๐Ÿฅต ย As a Starwars fan, I love everything laser-related. Hence, I can’t m

iss the opportunity to shareย this news that it may now be possible to cook with them. While it is not yet available for your oven, it could be a fascinating technique to be combined with 3D printing in the (far) future.

๐Ÿฅœย The pea prices are soaring. Beyond pea lovers, this will impact the plant-based industry which heavily relies on it. We will have to see if companies have to increase their prices and hence widen the gap with conventional meat.

Edito: polarisation in the FoodTech ecosystem
Grocery Delivery - 2 billions in 2 weeks

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